| 2013 – 94′ – Drama, Comedy
Written by: Justine Triet.
Directed by: Justine Triet.
Starring: Laetitia Dosch, Vincent Macaigne, Arthur Harari, Virgil Vernier, Marc-Antoine Vaugeois, Jeane Arra-Bellanger, Liv Harari.
Official Competition COLCOA 2014.
In French with English subtitles.
A Mubi release. |

On the night of the French presidential election, Laetitia, a TV journalist, leaves her children with the babysitter with instructions to prevent any visitation from their deadbeat dad, Vincent. But just as Laetitia goes live from François Hollande’s mobbed campaign offices, she learns Vincent has already wheedled his way into her apartment. The situation escalates when Vincent, in a standout performance by comedy darling Vincent Macaigne, stages their custody fight at the very moment Sarkozy supporters show up to confront the pro-Hollande crowd. By shooting scenes live at the Socialist Party headquarters on the actual night of the elections, filmmaker Justine Triet has subtly interwoven personal and public events, elevating a simple story of marital drama to a symbol for a divided, disillusioned generation.






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