COLCOA French Film Festival  renamed The American French Film Festival

On May 20, 2022, The Franco-American Cultural Fund announced that the COLCOA French Film Festival has been renamed The American French Film Festival. The 28th edition of the festival and its awards competition will take place October 29-November 3 2024 as a live event held at the Directors Guild of America Theater on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

“As Honorary President of the Franco-American Cultural Fund, I am proud to have accompanied this festival for more than 25 years,” said Costa-Gavras. “Having seen it grow, evolve and become one of the most important events in the United States entirely dedicated to French cinema and television, I have absolutely no doubt that it is THE American French Film Festival, and I welcome this new name that suits the festival perfectly.”

“For the last 27 years, COLCOA was the festival to bring French film to the heart of Hollywood,” said François Truffart, Executive Producer and Programmer. “Looking ahead, we wanted to make our purpose and ongoing mission even more clear. The American French Film Festival is the first, largest and most-exclusive showcase of emerging and established French filmmakers in America.”

The Festival is significant for French filmmakers as this is a unique opportunity to have their films or series watched and awarded by an audience mainly comprised of industry members in Hollywood at the beginning of the Awards season.

 “Now, as we rebrand as The American French Film Festival, we are poised to move into an exciting era of cross-cultural exchanges and artistic development supported by incredible partners like Air Tahiti Nui, Elma, L’Oréal, TV5 Monde, Variety which adds to the dynamic range of our mission of Americans discovering French cinema, television, and culture ”said Anouchka van Riel, Deputy Director.

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