Lambert contre Lambert : au nom de Vincent
Special Presentation | France | 2023 | Documentary, Series | 4 x 52 min | Episodes 1 & 2 | In French with English subtitles
Directed by: Élodie Buzuel, Vincent Trisolini
Created by: Élodie Buzuel
Produced by: Julie Perris (Zadig Productions)
Cinematography: Isabelle Razavet
Film Editing: Emmanuelle Giry, Coline Beuvelet, Aurélien Biette, Pascaline Aumond, Antoine Laviolle
International Sales: Disney+
Original Broadcast: Disney+ (France), Hulu (US)
On July 11, 2019, Vincent Lambert passed away at the Hospital of Reims. It was the final act in an 11-year family, medical, legal, political and media saga that took numerous improbable twists and turns, and continued right up until the eve of his death. The story began with a relatively commonplace automobile accident in 2008, which left the 32-year-old nurse in a persistent vegetative state. Lambert vs. Lambert follows the protracted legal battle between the man’s wife and other members of his family, who used the courts to block any medically-assisted end-of-life resolution. Tremendously well-known in France, the case drew extensive media coverage in a Catholic country where euthanasia remains an extremely sensitive issue. How did the debate over one man’s life upend an entire society’s relationship to the question of life and death?
Showrunner Élodie Buzuel has been a freelance writer on documentary series for some sixteen years, and has held staff positions at Encyclopedia TV, Mediawan, CFRT.TV and Program 33. She served as program manager on the TV movie Padre Pio – Il Santo! (2015). The Disney+/Hulu four-part series Lambert vs. Lambert is her first writer/director/showrunner credit.